As part of our physical exam of your pet, we assess every pet for his or her risk of infectious diseases. These diseases we see regionally include infectious diseases like Leptospirosis or Feline Leukemia, and internal or external parasites. The results allow us to customize our recommendations for your pet and makes sure your pet receives the appropriate level of protection for his or her lifestyle.

The higher the risk your pet faces the more protection your pet will need. By grading every pet’s degree of risk we are making sure both pets and their families stay healthy.

Risk of Infectious Disease (ROIDz) Protocol

Canine Standards
Feline Standards
Grade of Risk
On External OR Internal Parasite Prevention
On External AND Internal Parasite Prevention
Indoor dog/litter trained/only pet
Indoor strictly/only pet
Housedog that uses the back yard/limited other pets
Indoor only, < 4 cats
Walks around the block/park/urban to suburban/multiple pets
Indoor cat/dogs in house
Rural/dog parks
Outdoor Exposure
Camping/hiking/hunting/known tick exposure/dog shows
Hunter/gatherer, > 4 cats
Canine Standards
Indoor dog/litter trained/only pet
Housedog that uses the back yard/limited other pets
Walks around the block/park/urban to suburban/multiple pets
Rural/dog parks
Camping/hiking/hunting/known tick exposure/dog shows
Feline Standards
Indoor strictly/only pet
Indoor only, < 4 cats
Indoor cat/dogs in house
Outdoor exposure
Hunter/gatherer, > 4 cats
Grade of Risk
On External OR Internal Parasite Prevention
On External AND Internal Parasite Prevention