
The MYTH of Seasonal Parasite Prevention

By March 29, 2017 No Comments
Fleas, ticks, and worms, oh my! All of these pesky nuisances live throughout winter. Year round external (think fleas and ticks) and internal (think heartworms, roundworms, whipworms and others) parasite control is paramount to keep your pet and family safe. In the winter, adult fleas find refuge on warm bodied hosts in our backyard like mice, rats, raccoons, and deer and immature flea stages develop in the dens of these animals! Animals in multi-unit homes are also at a higher risk for acquiring fleas as any warm animal can bring fleas into the building, fall off of pets, and develop in the environment.

So fleas are a real problem all year round, but so are internal parasites. You may not know it, but both dogs and cats can easily acquire these nuisances by walking outside and then licking their paws. What is scarier is that they can transmit them to us and our families by licking our faces and sleeping in our beds! Roundworms can even cause blindness in young children!

If your pet is not fully protected all year round against internal and external parasites or you would like to discuss these issues further, please contact Ellicott Street Animal Hospital and we can find the best coverage for your family and your pet!